The kids went back to school today. Every year I say this but I can't believe my kids are getting so big!! Olivia was a little nervous but excited at the same time because now her classroom is in the 'big kids' hallway. Weird having my kids' classes in 2 different hallways.
I love all of the school stuff laid out the night before...
We, of course, did the quick 2 minute before school fashion shoot!
New outfits, new backpacks, old lunchboxes, new shoes. Oh, and new school supplies :)
My daughter got to sit by one of her good friends so she was happy. My son immediately found his seat and began his work. So typical of him...just like his daddy ;)
They both had a great day at school. Ben was a bit grumpy cause he was tired but that always happens the first couple weeks of school. After I picked them up we went out for ice cream (a tradition I started a couple years ago)
Sometimes it is so hard to get a decent picture of my son {sigh}
This one was mine...
While they were at school I had my appt with the fertility doctor...and felt like I was signing my life away!
Um, yeah, if you see that total at the bottom...that's not the entire cost of IVF. Because that doesn't cover medications. But if it works...totally worth it. So hopefully (God willing) I will be sharing some good news around the beginning of October :) Dr. T said that my chances of this working (assuming they get good eggs and assuming they grow like they're supposed to) are 50-60% given the fact that we know I can carry a baby and I've never had any problems/miscarriages/etc. My only real problem is all the scar tissue that's preventing my tube from catching an egg.
So I felt pretty good after the appt...with the exception of dropping a ton of money! I was also happy to find out that because of when things will be scheduled my implantation won't interfere with my husband's travel for work next month. I really didn't want him to be gone for that cause I'll need him that day :)
But I'll be updating you all on my progress (and potential mild freak outs) on the 'ol blogeroo here.
And while I was out I found this charcoal grill for 15 bucks!
I've been wanting one. Partly because I loooove the taste of food on a charcoal grill and partly because I've been waiting about 2 months for my sweet husband to replace the tank on the gas grill......
Anyway, it was regularly $25 or $30, it was the last one and it had a big scrape on the back. So after waiting for like 20 minutes for a manager (one of the reasons I usually DON'T shop at Walmart...customer service stinks) I got it for 15 bucks. So it was worth my wait.
I grilled up some of my favorite ham slices. They were soooo much better cooked this way! For the recipe - go here. You seriously need to try this recipe. It's easy and super yummy!!
That's it for now. I have several projects that I've started that I'll be sharing this stay tuned!

So glad it was a good day! Again, good luck with the IVF!!!
Looks like your kids had a good day! And good luck with all the IVF stuff. Can't wait to see what projects you have up your sleeve!
oh wow...good luck with the IVF! Hoping all goes well!! :)
I love the ice cream tradition. We never really had any beginning of school traditions. I think when I have kids I'll definitely have to start some!
Best of luck with the baby stuff! I look forward to congratulating you at a future date! :)
Good luck w/ the IVF!!
So exciting! I can't wait to hear the good news. :)
What a great looking day (and your kiddos really are just the cutest... O is looking SO grown up!!!).
I'm praying for you girl! Hoping & wishing for a sweet little one coming your way!
We struggled trying to conceive, so I understand the heartache that goes along with that. Fortunately we got pregnant with other interventions and didn't need to go the IVF route. I'm hopeful it will work for you! Today was certainly a big day for all of you!
Good luck with everything and looks like they had a great time. Love all the new supplies and excitement that comes w/back to school.
Yeah for a good day. Love school supplies, it has always been my favorite part of the start to school. Your kids are just adorable and I love the ice cream tradition. Glad you got a good report from your doctor...thanks for sharing.
I will be praying for you Michelle! You are right thought if it works it's totally worth the $. You just can't put a price on having another child. :-)
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