I had planned on posting some pre-first day of school pics for today. We started the morning off with errands. But then I noticed that a bug bite on my son's leg from yesterday had swollen up big time...
That was when it looked the worst. So we were off to the dr's office. It's some kind of cellulitus (sp??) infection and now he's on Zyrtec & antibiotics. They marked around the swelling so we can make sure it doesn't get bigger.At one point I measured and it was 3" wide. Crazy!! I'm off to see the fertility doc tomorrow to get all the details on IVF. And the kids have their 1st day of school so I'll have lots to share :)

I hope it goes down really soon! You do have a lot going on...can't wait to hear about it.
Get the bite checked! My daughter had that happen a few years back, turned out to be a brown recluse bite. If we hadn't gotten her in when we did she would've been admitted to the hospital on antibiotic IV's. It starts to eat away at the skin and tissue. Better to be safe!
Good luck with the IVF doc and first day of school!
Want to hear something weird?! This is the 3rd case of this that I've heard of THIS week! My friend, who's daughter was stung by a wasp, ended up with cellulitis ~ but soaking her arm in warm water with epson salt helped the swelling go down within two days! I hope Ben's swelling goes down fast too.
Good luck with the IVF doc! Will be praying for good news and clear direction as you look into this! =)
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