I've spent the last almost-4 1/2yrs in our home trying to figure out how to decorate the walls. Especially the walls of our living room. Because it's a big rectangle. No fireplace to break it up (our fireplace is in the kitchen). One entire length of the room is open to the foyer and dining room. Which I love by the way. Opposite that wall is a doorwall that breaks up the space a bit and I've finally got that decorated (which I'll share in another post).
So that leaves the other two "shorter" walls. One side has an armoire with our tv in it. The opposite wall has our big, green, over sized, oh-so-comfy couch. I know the over sized couch look is going out of style. Is there really a "style" in decorating anymore?? Anyway, there's no money for a new living room furniture right now and quite honestly I loove sitting on it. We fell in love with it the first time we sat in it in the furniture store 9 yrs ago. And it's held up really well. And it's green...my favorite color :)
Ok, I know you guys so didn't want to hear a story about my living room furniture! I digress...
On to the artwork...
I've struggled with what to put over the couch. This is how it looked when we first moved in
I know, blah right. I had those pictures from our last house. And I hated that there was nothing on the wall above the couch so I put those up. And hated them until the moment I took them down. And I also hated that table. I replaced it with this.
Then I did a monogram wall
I thought I had a pic of it before I took everything down. But I didn't. I loved the monogram wall (you might remember I did one in my daughter's room here). I loved all of the pieces together but hated it over my couch. Why?? My couch was too big in comparison to the pieces I had hanging over it. The couch is big so I need to have bigger frames, bigger pieces hanging above it.
Finally, this is what I came up with a couple weeks ago and I love it.
Priceless artwork courtesy of my daughter :)
I took her artwork from art class, scanned it, then cropped it to 8x10, printed it on photo paper and Voila!! Now, the only reason my son doesn't have artwork displayed in our gallery is because this is his first year at the "big" school and I haven't gotten his artwork folder home yet (we get a big folder home at the end of the year). So after next week I'll add his and any new stuff Olivia might have.
Pictures are a bit crooked cause I always put a pillow up on the back of the couch. But I'm really liking what I have up there right now. And her artwork adds a lot of color to the wall.
The iron thingie above it I got at Hobby Lobby on sale for 10 or 15 bucks.
Now I just need to make some cute pillows to go on my couch and we'll be all set. On to the next decorating dilemma...and my treasures I found thrift shopping this week! I'll share those this weekend.

I love the artwork over the sofa and have been wanting to do something like that for ever. You've inspired me to get moving!! BTW, what size are those frames if the artwork is 8X10??
I love this!!! She is very talented!!
Love it!!!! I recently used my kids artwork to decorate their room. I love it more than any other art I own :)
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