...along with trying to get everything that needs to be done to move. I have 4 different people coming today for various things for the house. Thankfully one of those are the roofers & I can get that leak taken care of. One less thing to worry about!
I would much rather have the nausea back over this any day. I spent the better part of last night tossing & turning because in addition to my hips hurting from laying on my side I have the added congestion/raw throat/sneezing/not able to breath well symptoms.
I was never sick with my other pregnancies. In fact, I felt the best I'd ever felt. I'm gonna blame it on Georgia weather. Cause that pollen has already come out in full force & I know that's not helping anything.
I still have the spare room & laundry room to clean out & organize but the rest of the house is pretty much done except for little stuff. I have to give my kids props for keeping their rooms so neat & tidy.
They've been really good about putting stuff back where it belongs & not leaving stuff out on their floors.
And I've managed to clean a lot of crap out of this house. Many trips to Goodwill & the thrift shop...and then some things that just end up in the trash!
As I was in the middle of this post 2 of my appts already came & left...2 more to go. Hopefully tonight I can get a bit more rest than last night!
And I just received this beauty in the mail so hopefully I can start feeling better soon & play with some new goodies!
Good luck in all your moving. Sounds like you have things pretty well under control. The cold is a bummer. I've had it for 9 days.
Where did you get all the JBS???
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