I had a birthday last weekend. One step closer to the big 4-0. Only one more year of being in my 30s. Where has the time gone???
I don't feel 39. Not sure if I look it or not. But I definitely don't feel it. Although, in looking at this pic I realize I definitely have a few baby pounds to lose. I also realize how much my daughter looks like me. Couldn't get Addie to look up...she was too busy trying to chew on the ruffles on her dress! ha!
Had a pretty decent birthday. Got free cheesecake at Chili's :)
But then I couldn't use one of my new presents (new mini fridge for my scrap room) because of this....
water leak in the basement. The hubster left the spigot to the hose on outside...and it leaked for 2 days...into the well of our egress window, through the window and into my scrap room. It was a sopping mess. Like, when you stepped on that rug it squished out water. Ugh...
At least he had the smarts to butter me up with cake & alcohol before telling me :)
Had to pull out part of the insulation. I think my rug has about had it. Thankfully not much of my stuff was ruined. Just sad to see all my stuff shoved to the side to try & dry out the floor & walls.
In better news...
this little girl slept in her own bed for the first time last night. And except for about 4 or 5 times when she mildly fussed for her binks she slept the whole night. So thankful my husband found hardware for her bed...cause we lost the original hardware and the company said they probably wouldn't have replacement parts since the crib is over 9 yrs old. And I'm almost done with her room. Yey :)
The big'ns had their first day of school today & had a great day. They both have great teachers so I think this will be an awesome year. How did they get so big??? I didn't approve of that...don't know where they get the nerve growing up behind my back!
Saturday I went junkin' & as soon as I take pics of my new goodies I will share them :)

Happy Birthday!!! You look wonderful and definetelly not almost 40 :)
I'm 37 so I'm right behind you sister. I like to think that I don't look it either :)
I gasped when I read about your scraproom getting wet...thank goodness not much of the stuff was ruined.
Addie is just a doll and like you, I feel the same about my 2 growing up...how dare they? my son started 1st grade and my daughter is 3...next year she'll be going to preschool...and I don't like it one little bit.
Can't wait to see what you got junkin :)
I ment DEFINITELY..he he he.
So maybe I don't look 37 but my brain is going :P
Take care,
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