It's a rainy, chilly Tuesday Wednesday morning.
The perfect day for staying in your pj's all day. And that's probably just what we'll do today.
Cause I'm tired. Really tired. I didn't even realize today was Wednesday and not Tuesday.
Addie has had some rough days of being very fussy in between having great days. I'm really hoping today is one of the better days :)
I'm so tired that I often fall asleep feeding her in the middle of the night...then wake up an hour later in the recliner with her snoozing in my lap. Then I take her to bed, lay down for a hour & it starts all over again.
Oh, and the hubster has been out of town for twice since she's been born. Thank goodness he'll be back today.
I was out yesterday & the ladies at Subway probably thought I was crazy cause I kept changing what I was ordering. My brain just did not function yesterday. At all. One of them took pity on me & gave me a discount :)
Today I forgot to turn off the sprinklers so they were running while it was raining. Dork.
And the dogs have been very uncooperative. The puppy has peed in the house twice in the last week. And the older dog has taken to escaping from her crate twice & tearing up trash along with the door, door trim & door handle in the garage.
Soooo....I'm hoping today to work on Addie's Project Life album {aka her 1st year album}. I checked out the local scrapbook store in town yesterday & picked up a few goodies.
I also printed a ton of photos at Costco so I should be able to get her first month done in no time {I hope}
I was hoping to do some spray painting today but with the rain that will just have to wait.
And maybe I'll do some housework, too. But we'll see...don't want to overdo it ;)
I'll leave you with this beautiful sunset we had last night.
Check out the bird up on the big pine tree...

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