I don't have much scrappy stuff to share this week. Although I did find a layout that I did several months back that I don't think I ever shared. So I'll share that one in a separate post. I also did a couple layouts on Sunday for Sweet Memories but you'll have to wait to see those ;)
So I thought I'd share a few pics from around my garden. Some of the bulbs we planted are starting to sprout and I always love seeing that!! But first, check out these adorable little flower sprinklers I picked up at Tuesday Morning:
Aren't they cute?! And at 4 bucks each you can't beat it. I kept the tags on them to make sure they worked and they seem to get all of the flower beds...and they look pretty :) My kids thought they were pretty neat! I think I'm gonna run back there and get 2 more for the front yard. They had a green one, too.
And I'm super happy about my clematis this year
I planted it 2 years ago. The first year I maybe got one flower on it. Last year a couple more. And now this year a ton of flowers!
Actually, there's about twice as many flowers on it now then when I took that picture. Love, love, love it!
And like I said earlier, some of the bulbs are starting to grow...
I love when they start to peek through the ground! Although, half of my gladiolus bulbs haven't surfaced yet so either they got planted deeper or upside down. Let's hope they're not upside down!
And there's flowers on my strawberry plants. You know what that means...soon there will be strawberries!!
Too bad it wasn't in time for the party this weekend. I'm making chocolate covered strawberries.
The tomato plants are getting flowers, too.
I can't wait to see everything in full bloom!!

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