Friday, August 8, 2008

nothing new

I don't really have much to share today. It's been a busy week with my daughter starting school, getting school stuff ready, getting used to the new (or old!) routine again, having my son's Meet & Greet at his preschool, all the stuff that goes along with starting a new school year.

I'm hoping to be a little more creative today. I have a couple layouts for ebay that I want to work on, and I want to make some more cards for my stash, and maybe get started on some of my samples for my next Stampin' Up! open house. I'm so excited about the new catalog!!! I have some new goodies on their way to me so I'll be playing with those next week :)

Until then, I'll leave you with a funny thing that happened to me at the McDonald's drive-thru yesterday. The conversation went like this...

"Hi, welcome to McDonalds, may I take your order?"

"Can I get a large Diet Coke please?"

"Would you like a drink with that?"

Did she just ask me if I want a drink with my drink?? Yeah, just the one Coke will be fine.

(BTW, I really despise that I have to drink Diet Coke but I'm trying to be good!)


Tammy and Parker said...

The gal at McDonalds sounds like she is having a day like I!

I'll have to check those lay-outs out. You do amazing work!

Tammy and Parker said...

Michelle, we just transfered the Pages 4 Parker page on the other blog to the Parker Doodles page on Parker's blog.

I just need to get stuff on that page up and listed. I've been so busy I haven't had the time to list everything.

There is a ParkerDoodles button on the right hand side of Parker's site. And it is fuctional. So I'm half way there. :D

Anonymous said...

I went to Taco Bell one time a million years ago, and just ordered a pop. The drive-thru girl asked if I wanted hot or mild sauce with that. Yecccch.

Stay in school, kids! Don't do drugs! ha ha

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