She's on more of a routine now, eating about every 3 hrs during the day. Sometimes she goes longer in the afternoon & after her 10-11pm feeding.
Love these little gowns. This one from Carters she got from her's the softest ever. I want one ;)
When we go out people usually think she's younger than she actually is. I guess she looks small?? I weighed her a few days ago and she's right around 10lbs.
We're going on a week of using cloth diapers & I have to say that I'm loving it. Plus, Addie looks super cute wearing a pink diaper :) I'll be doing a separate post about that one.
She loves her binky, esp when she's sleepy. But if she's super fussy (which sometimes happens in the evenings) she doesn't want anything to do with it.
She gave us her first smile right at 5 weeks and has given us more smiles here & there. Can't wait for more! She also started cooing & 'talking' to us the last few days. Love that! She has a pretty even tempered personality, not super fussy.
I get such a kick out of hearing her big brother & sister talk to her...esp when they think I'm not within earshot. Sooooo sweet.
I'm starting to work on more crafty projects...usually at night or in the afternoon when she naps a bit longer. I have thank you cards to finish and her super adorable birth announcements just came in the mail :) Aaaaand, I'm hoping to get my shop back open in August so I have some projects in the works for that. This along with trying to get my house in order (it's still a bit of a mess from moving) and get Addie's baptism scheduled & planned out.
School starts in less than 6 weeks so we'll be getting ready for that before too long. Whew!!! Can someone tell me how to squeeze an extra 5 or 6 hours out of the day cause I have no time!!

She is just precious Michelle!! Sitting over here wishing mine were little again!! Oh how I miss the bitty baby!!!
Wow Michelle she is a beauty...I love seeing updates...I check your blog everyday and always get excited when you have a new post :)
Like you, I wish there were a few extra hours in each day. I've been staying up late to get stuff done...I'm a mom of a 3 yr old and a 6 yr old...they keep me busy as well...
Thanks for sharing
Oh my gosh, that second pic, the one where she's smiling, she looks JUST LIKE Ben -- she has his smile!
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