on my nightstand (or in my car when I wait in line to pick the kids up):
McCarthy has me laughing out loud. With this being my 3rd baby I can
totally relate to most of what she talks about. Definitely funnier if
you've already been through this!I have to be careful where I lay this book. My daughter picked up the book & read the words 'pregnancy sex' on the back. Aack!!!
I've cried many times reading this book. I know it probably seems strange that I would read this book given the fact that I went through IVF but something drew me to their story.
on tv:
I've been watching Modern Family on Netflix since we don't get local channels. Great show.
Vampire Diaries...what can I say, I'm a sucker for a hot vampire ;) Again, have to watch online...no local channels.
One Born Every Minute - one week they had a couple from Switzerland who were having a baby via a surrogate. They'd spent 17yrs in their struggle to have a child. I was bawling. Bawling. I had so much admiration for that surrogate. She said 'I feel very humbled to be part of this'. {sigh}
on the field:

And don't forget a smile...just for momma :)
Really wanting this lens for my camera to get those action shots close up. So now I'm saving up my Swagbucks for that. playing with this new toy (also bought with my Swagbucks)
So cute, so fun! I'm taking it with me on our trip to WA to add pics to my travel journal (that I'll be sharing once it's finished). I have a feeling my daughter is going to be swiping this from me constantly!
Btw, if you don't know about Swagbucks, click the icon on my right sidebar ---->>> If you sign up under me I will send you a little something :)
bought a new CD the other day:
I honestly don't buy too many CD's anymore, especially since I now have satellite radio in my van...totally hooked on it by the way.
there's some really good songs on there. my absolute fave - Def Leppard's 'Photograph' with Chris Daughtry. Really, I could listen to him sing all day :) Another good one is 'Sunshine of your Love' with Rob Thomas.
Not so good...a rap version of Back in Black. Ick...
I really liked about half the CD which is fine cause I pretty much only bought it for the one song anyway!
working on catching up on Project Life:
I'm a few weeks behind but catching up isn't all that difficult because I've printed pics here & there. I'll be sharing those the end of this week.
our trip to Spokane, WA has been planned for our house hunting trip. I'm so excited. And nervous about flying. It'll be great. I'm anxious to find a house & hopefully move by the end of April. We've been scouring realtor.com & the listings our agent sent us. It's always so hard to decide where to live in a state that you've never lived in! Thankfully everyone I've talked to says there's really no 'bad' area to live which is great.
I'll be happy to get away from the bucket loads of pollen that have been flying around southern Georgia. I went right from 3 weeks of a head/chest cold to allergies & a sinus infection. It feels like I've been punched in the face. My husband swears he didn't 'accidentally' hit me in my sleep but I dunno... ;)
I'm wanting to do this...such a great idea! I found the purse now I'm just waiting to get it (had to order it online since the store didn't have the color I wanted). Hopefully it gets here in time for me to fix it up for our trip.
And lastly, {im}patiently waiting for the mail to get here to get this beauty:
I have many plans for this one :) I'll share some pics & projects very soon! But you don't have to wait for me to see more. You can check out Virginia's video of the kit...and her cute munchkins :)

1 comment:
I don't know if I already left this, but I'll try again. I love your blog! I was checking out swagbucks and I was going to sign up under you. How do I do this? Do i just click on the link and follow the website from there? Thanks so much!
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