Wednesday, September 22, 2010

grow baby grow!!

I had the 2nd of 4 dr appts today for an ultrasound & blood work. Things are progressing as they should. A bit slow but still good. Right now I have 5 follicles growing on the left side and 3 on the right. Not a ton but still good. I asked my doctor if that was normal and he cautioned against saying what was 'normal' because everyone's normal is different. And remember, we're causing my body to do something it wouldn't normally do which is produce multiple follicles in one month. But he did say on average for a woman under 35 (here we go with that age thing again!) it's about 10 follicles on each side. Yeah, I don't fall into that group anymore...


As he said today, it only takes one egg to make a baby. He even went further and said that it's not always about quantity but more about quality. Of course, it's great if you have 20 eggs to choose from but I could also produce 2 really good ones and get one baby or twins. 

He's really good at the encouragement. It's nice to hear :)

So, that's where I'm at right now. I took a picture of how many injections I've done so far...
19 as of this morning. I'll be starting a 3rd medication tonight which takes me up to 4 injections a day (1 in the morning, 3 at night). Oh, and guess what happened last night when I opened a new box of medication?? The vial was empty. Yes, empty!! One of the medications I'm on is Gonal-F. It comes in a box with the syringes, vial with a white powdering pill looking thing inside, and a syringe of fluid. I'm supposed to inject the fluid into the vial, then using the other syringes to prepare my injection.
And there was nothing in the vial. No pill looking thing. Can you imagine if I had injected the fluid without looking to see if that vial had anything in it?? I'd be injecting myself with nothing but water. Somehow I don't think that's gonna cause my eggs to grow any. Ugh...

So I had to call the pharmacy last night (in Massachusetts). Thankfully they were still there. I had to call the maker of the medicine today so they could write up a report and authorize a new box shipped to me. I called the pharmacy back today and they won't be able to get me a new one til tomorrow. And, I don't have enough to last me for my injection tonight. So now I have to run back in town (36 miles round trip) to get an injection to tide me over til I get my replacement tomorrow.

And here I was hoping to spend the rest of the afternoon at home. Oh well, that's just how it goes :)


Unknown said...

I think that you are doing fine. On the cycle that I conceived Daniel, I had 9 eggs total, 6 were good & 1 fertilized using IUI. I was 31 at the time. I do agree with the quality vs. quantity remark that your doctor made ... When I think of everything that Daniel has been through over the last six years, it was a good thing that he had quality on his side.

Anonymous said...

Oh Michelle you are a trooper... and it will ALL be worth it in the end....Melissa in WI..

Jen said...

I never had good quantity, but must have had at least 3 good eggs :-)
I think I had 8 that were good at the time.

cornellgj said...

I had a ton of eggs both of the cycles we did - 24 the first time and 32 the second time. I'm pretty sure I over-responded to the meds because my estrogen level was through the roof and they were concerned about water retention. And the quality was good but no pregnancies either time or from our frozen cycle. You doctor is right - it just takes one egg! I'm glad to see you are documenting the process! Hang in there!

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