I may have consumed a week's worth of sugar in 2 days. I so have to get back to the gym...
Erin and Carolyn were wonderful as always. And I also got to take a class from the fabulous Debby Schuh.
When we weren't taking one of Debby's classes or eating we did lots of scrappin...
My friend Kellie was a 'fraidy cat at the hotel because 1)it was on the 1st floor, 2) the door opened to the outside instead of a hallway and 3) the door jam was a bit loose. So she made me sleep in the bed closest to the window...you know, so if an intruder came in he'd get me first! That's true friendship for ya right there! hehe you know I love ya Kellie ;)
And I may or may not have been coerced into trying to climb up on a donkey. Somewhere there's some blackmail pics of that...
In true Sweet Memories fashion, everything was decked out in pink & green. Love it :)
The weekend was great. It was great seeing people I don't get chance to see very often. It was fun to make new friends. I love scrappy weekends. Why can't they happen every weekend??

Oh. My. Goodness. I think I got a cavity from just looking at all that sugar!! Glad you had a good time and I can't wait to see the picture of you and the donkey!!
I'm glad part of the sugar included cupcakes :) YUM!
Um you are making me super jealous. Stop it! ;)
I'm looking at your first photos, and this song is running through my head: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZ-uV72pQKI
ha ha ha ha
I'm so jealous!
I love your pics from the weekend! Even though I was only there for 1/2 of it, it was still tons of fun!!!
looks like a fabulous weekend!!! I love that photo of the rock candy, I would have been in sugar heaven!
Wow! What a great looking time! The candy and cupcakes, heavenly! I've been craving sweets lately!
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