Wednesday, April 8, 2009

summer movies

Cool, huh? Well, we're halfway through spring break. I knew it would fly by and it is. When we went to the movies the other day it got me thinking about summer movies. Have you noticed there's a bunch of good movies coming out (now and in the next couple months)?? The movie industry, like tv, seems to go in spurts for me. I'm not really interested in stuff for a while and then BAM!! A bunch of good movies come out back to back.

I'm really looking forward to the new X-Men movie. Love me some Wolverine ;) Maybe cause he reminds me of my own stud man here at home! hehe And then there's another Star Trek movie. Is this like #20? I've lost count. But I've seen them all. Love them all. Yes, I'm a Trekkie, or a Trekkor, or whatever you kids are calling it these days. I even dressed up as Deanna Troi one year for Halloween. You know, back when I had the bod to pull it off! (btw, I will have that back...or at least some of it) Even died my hair darker. Don't know what happened to that costume. I'm sure Dave would like to know, too... 17 Again looks funny. It's not at the top of my list but I'll probably go see it at the dollar flick. And c'mon, who doesn't love Zac Efron.

I know there's something else but I can't remember. When I'm sitting in the movie theater watching the hour long montage of previews I always think "ooh, I gotta see that!!" and then half the time I forget about it til I see a preview on tv right before it comes out. Oh, I just remembered (see!), the new Transformers movie is coming out, too. That should be good. Can you tell I like Sci-Fi movies?? Sci-Fi movies with a bit of action, comedy and romance thrown in.

And with that, I'll leave you with a few non-movie related layouts that I did during our rainy day last Sunday...
This 2nd one is pretty simple but sometimes those end up being some of my faves :)

Not sure why the pictures in the lo's look so dark. I took them outside in the sunlight. Hmmm...

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