Sunday, June 22, 2008

not much, just a couple layouts

Don't have a lot to say today. It's gonna be another hot day here so I think we're gonna go swimming in a little bit. And then I need to seriously clean up my scrap room. It's stressing me out!!!! I hate working on a table that's filled with clutter. I have an idea to turn things around so that my kids can be in here "creating" with me so if that all comes together I'll share a couple pics. It's hard to make room for everything when you have the smallest room in the house! But like I've said before, I'm thankful just to have my own room :) So I'll leave you with a couple layouts I did at my scrappin' retreat a couple weeks ago. My goal was to try and catch up on my kids' baby pics, especially my daugher's...and I'm happy to say that I'm well on my way!!!

Have a blessed day everyone!!

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