Monday, December 12, 2011

our weekend - the good, the bad & the ugly

First of all, before I get into our weekend I wanted to comment on a reader's comment. Shannon had asked about my daughter's first communion dress that I made last year. To see the finished dress you can go to this post Shannon :)
Now, on to our weekend. Saturday we decided to head to the mall downtown to see Santa, do a little shopping, grab lunch & then see the new Muppet Movie.
We had to wait a bit to see Santa. Cause, ya know, he's a very popular fellow this time of year. As we were waiting in line I realized that Addie had cut her first tooth. Woo hoo! Just a day after she turned 6 months old :) 

Anyway, our visit with the big man was very in, no screaming for Addie :) 
She was more interested in looking at the fur on his red jacket...and at the lady behind the camera who was squeezing a squeaker toy :)
One seriously big Christmas tree!
A view from the 4th floor at night...
We also made sure to stop at Macy's & mail our letters to Santa in the 'special' mail box :)

The Muppet Movie was cute. Not what I expected, not like the 'old days' but still cute. 

Then Sunday hit...

and at about 3am we had our first casualty. Ben got sick. Then Olivia got up that morning feeling sick. We all felt super cruddy but Ben & Olivia got hit the hardest.

We stayed in pjs all day. Emergency buckets strewn about the house. Unfortunately mom is never allowed to be sick so I had to run out to the store to get stuff for homemade chicken soup. Boy, that sure hit the spot!

I've already had to disinfect all of the bathrooms & change out the toothbrushes. I'll probably do that again tomorrow.

By nighttime the extreme symptoms had ceased. Thankfully everyone is feeling better today. The kids stayed home from school today and only have 4 more days til winter break. 

Hard to believe Christmas is in less than 2 weeks!!!!

I still haven't mailed any Christmas cards (or even begun to pull that together). I haven't gotten any teacher gifts, or class treat bags, mailed out the gifts to the grandparents. 

This will be a busy week!


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