Wednesday, December 14, 2011

holiday inspiration {via} pinterest

Darn you Pinterest. You are such a drain on my time some days. But oh the inspiration! And now my 'to do' list is oh so long!

(Click on any of the images to take you to the link)
If I had the time I would love to use the snowmen cups filled with blizzard bites for my son's class but given my kids only have 3 days of school left I don't think that's gonna happen. Maybe next year.

Definitely going to do the Reindeer Feet...I'm thinking a canvas with all 3 of my kiddos & their feet :)

And when I see those beautiful vintage ornaments it makes me want to scour the earth to get some of my own! Believe me, when I'm at garage sales & thrift shops I'm always keeping an eye open for them.

When am I gonna start looking up these ideas in August so I can be on top of things for the holidays?? Anyone else feel this way?? hehe Oh wait a minute, I had a 2 month old in August this year!

I hope this gives you some inspiration! You can follow me on Pinterest to see some of the other goodies (edible & non-edible!) I have pinned :)


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