Thursday, December 15, 2011

yesterday's {POTD}

{picture of the day}
Just Addie & me...her snoozing in my lap. At night when everyone else is in bed. My favorite time of day :)

The photo is a bit grainy. The vacuum cleaner is still out. That's ok. That's life. At least you can't see that the dresser is dusty ;)

I love that you can see her little hand. So precious.

This one will probably go in Addie's Project Life album rather than the December Daily but we'll see. 

Today I'm working on the kid's treat bags for their last day of school tomorrow. Probably blizzard bites & pretzel hugs (recipes to follow for sure!)

And catching up on my December Daily. I have the pics printed & ready to go in my book. 

10 more days until Christmas!!

1 comment:

  1. I love the glow of the christmas tree in this photo, so sweet!!


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