Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Addie's quilt...just wanted to add

Thanks for all of your comments on here & facebook about Addie's quilt :)

I was going through my pics to do a post on the quilting retreat last weekend and I realized that I had wanted to show a before and after pic of the quilt.

As I said the last post, there's no binding to this quilt. It's all raw edges. Those white pieces are stitched right on top of the blocks. It looks something like this:
This was midway through sewing on all 144 of those white pieces. Whew! 

And then when you wash it it comes out like this:
Pretty neat, huh?!

Now, no more pictures mommy!
I'll have pics of the quilting retreat tomorrow (or maybe later tonight)!


  1. It's a good thing you moved away, because I would have taken your little baby for my own by now! :) Love the quilt. The rough edges makes it look so soft.

  2. I love this quilt! I just recently started learning about quilting. Maybe I'll try this one next!

  3. what a beautiful quilt!!! Seriously cute photo of Addie!!! You just want to pick her up and hug her!!


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