Monday, October 24, 2011

Addie's quilt

After 4 1/2 months I still can't get over all that hair!

My #1 priority at the quilt retreat last weekend was to make Addie's baby quilt. 
I searched around until I found a pattern I liked...and one that would be easy enough for a beginner quilter like me. When I stumbled on this one I knew this was it!
I'm so happy with the outcome! It makes me smile just looking at it.
Isn't that fabric just yummy??? The fabric on the front is Ruby by Bonnie and Camille (Moda) that I picked up at the quilt show a couple weeks ago and the back is TaDot (Michael Miller) in celery. 
I {love} the Ruby's so 'me'. I'm thinking I need to pick up some yardage in that fabric once my budget allows :)
Oh my word...I could just eat her up!

I love that this pattern has all raw edges. No binding. Simple but really cute. I need to trim a little bit more and I found a couple mistakes, one in particular that needs a simple fix. Other than that I'm really happy with how it came out. 

And Addie seems to like it, too :)


  1. Michelle the quilt is beautiful and that little girl on it...oh my, there are no words :)


  2. love it all! quilt, pattern, and ur babe!! love the colors! i am really impressed, i have only made like 1 quilt, but nothing like this!
    squeeze ur qt baby for me!!

  3. The quilt is soooooo beautiful.

    White Dream

  4. OMG, the quilt is sooo adorable... but can't beat that little niece of mine! :-)

    It'll be a race when I get there to see who could "eat her up" first! ha ha

  5. Your quilt is fantastic!!! I love it. That little Addie... so so cute!!! I love babies... and their chunky little baby bums and leggers. I have a similar photo of my baby (who's almost 5!) when he was itty bitty... gotta go dig that out and scrap it!


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