Wednesday, October 26, 2011

quilting retreat

Last weekend my friend Theresa...aka my Spokane travel guide extraooooordiniare & great friend :)... invited me to a quilting retreat. I've been to many scrapbooking retreats but this quilting retreat was a first for me.

I needed the break. 

And some time to spend getting some things done...cause quilting is time consuming and quite hard to fit into a schedule with 2 active older kiddos and a 4 month old!
There was such a great group of people that went, the place had awesome views...
...and great trail guides :)
The retreat was at what used to be a ski lodge over in Idaho. To say the view was beautiful was an understatement.
It rained on Friday & Saturday which sometimes left views like this.
But it's neat to see the clouds move in and out of the hills. I had *no* cell reception whatsoever. My only communication other than one call from the lodge phone was the internet. Thankfully I took my laptop. Olivia took it upon herself to email me 145986459678 times on Saturday.
(Max & Dozer were the retrievers) Do you think she missed me?? Ben was busy playing video games so missing me was minimized ;) There were a few girls there for a scrapbooking weekend and one of them had a 2 month old. Oh that was hard seeing her & missing my baby.

But I got some much needed time to finish some projects. I also discovered that the local store back in GA where I purchased the stippling foot for my machine was not only the wrong one but also a very old product. 

I went to a local store here when I got back home to get the right one and the dealer was pretty surprised that they even sold it to me since they were a Husqvarna dealer and should have known better. Now I'm out $35. ugh. But at least I now have the right one and can finish a couple other quilts that I've started.

Anyway, here's a few more 'scenery' pics. Til tomorrow...



  1. Oh how pretty!! I don't know how much quilting I would of gotten done!! I think I would of spent as much time as I could outside!!!

  2. Wow..Michelle! What an awesome place to have a quilting retreat! So beautiful! I would love to see some of your quilts. Do you have any pics posted anywhere? I am as much into quilting nowadays as I am scrapbooking....just don't have a lot of time to do either.

  3. Wow, it looks like a beautiful place. How awesome that you got a break, sometimes we all need to take a break and recharge our batteries. I hope to see some projects of yours!


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