Thursday, August 18, 2011

road trip {part 2}

Day 5 - Mount Rushmore
68 miles

We made it into Rapid City, SD the night before & since we were making good travel time we took a day off to spend at Mt. Rushmore. Not to mention my feet, ankles & legs are beginning to look a bit Fred Flinstone-ish from the swelling so it was nice to take a break for a day.

To say it was windy there was an understatement. It was knock you off your feet, forget about having a hairdo windy. And cold. On our way up we saw snow flurries. 

Coming up the hill & around the corner...I see it!!!!
And a bit closer...
If you go to Mt. Rushmore you really need to bring a zoom lens for your camera so you can get shots like this:
I could look right up George Washington's nose! ha!

We took a break to head to the gift shop. Cause we were fuh-REEZing!
Notice Olivia is wearing 2 of my jackets! Like I said, it was cold. And we did not have any winter coats with us!
Back outside to brave the cold & wind again. Then to get some lunch...we tried a bisen burger for the first time. It was yummy.

Oh, and it was our 10 yr anniversary :)

A few more shots heading back down...
We headed back to the hotel for some much needed swim time for the kids & down time for all of us.

Mt. Rushmore was something I'm definitely glad I got to see. We're hoping to head back there maybe in a few years. There was a lot more to do in and around Rapid City that we still want to check out.

By the way, here's a road trip tip that worked great for us. LEGOS.
I brought a few new sets & some plastic baggies. It was a fun thing for the kids to do when being stuck in a hotel room night after night :) My kids love traveling & hotel rooms but when you're on a long road trip it gets old around day 4 or 5!

Next up - 2 more days!



  1. Back in the very early 70's when I was little, we lived in Rapid City. Actually on Ellsworth AFB. We moved before the big flood that hit in '71. I would love, love, love to go back! I have not been able to convince my hubby we need to go there. I have been working on him for 15 years!! It's a 10-11 hr drive. I think it would be fun to see all the sights there!! You have some great shots of the monument!!

  2. If you do make it back to Mt Rushmore, you have to stay at Custer State Park. We went last year for fall break and it was amazing!


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