Friday, August 19, 2011

road trip {part 3)

Day 6 - South Dakota, Wyoming & Montana
552 miles

On the road again! This driving is getting a bit old but thankfully we're on to some pretty landscapes & we know we're in the home stretch.
We weren't in Wyoming for very long (I believe it was just over 100 miles) and pretty much the entire time it looked like this:
Nowhere to stop. Not much of anything. Not good when you're pregnant & have to pee every 20 min! And then we hit Montana. Montana was pretty. Very pretty. I'd have to say Montana & Idaho were the 2 prettiest states we drove through. Ya know, aside from our new wonderful state of Washington :)
I couldn't help stopping to get a few pictures of these baby cows. Yes, I stopped on the side of the highway to take pictures of cows. My husband saw me pulling over & thought I was nuts! But thanks to my zoom lens I could do it from the comfort of my car & not risk getting out & being hit by a car. But come on, they were just too dang cute!
Olivia started 'mooing' at them & they took off. I guess they knew she wasn't a real cow:)

The further we got into Montana, the prettier it got.

What is it about mountains that makes them so mesmerizing?? I could stare at them all day.
And then a much needed chance to stretch our legs...and a chance for mom to do a quick impromptu photo shoot!
 Gosh, I forgot how toothless my son was 3 1/2 mos ago!
Tucker was quite comical in the van. Most times, when we'd get out for a potty break he'd get up onto the cooler so he could look out the window. Then he'd try & stay up there when I started driving but his big butt would fall off. What a nut!!
Back in the van...almost to Idaho!

Day 7 - Montana, Idaho...and Washington!
315 miles 

We made it through the better part of Montana the previous day. This last day of driving we finished up with Montana & on to Idaho. Idaho was pretty...& snowy. 
When we saw the exits for Coeur d'Alene, ID we knew we were getting close!

This is what happens when your daughter is handed the camera...
Since my hubby was driving the truck & I drove the van the entire way, Olivia helped be photographer :)

And, of course, when we hit the Washington border it was raining. But we made it!!!
So here's a recap:
2 that was 7 1/2 mos preggers :)
2 kids
2 70+ pound doggies...with tummy issues
1 guinea pig
7 days of driving
11 states
2579 miles
rain, sun, wind, snow, sleet, multiple tornado warnings, mountains, fields, lots of beautiful country

I hope you enjoyed a few of the photos from our road trip! Considering how far we drove it really wasn't that bad. I'm glad we did it & got to experience it. We drove through many states that I'd probably never get to see otherwise.

We've taken many road trips but never any that were quite this far. I'll share some of my road trip tips that I've discovered over the years. I also made a cute little road trip mini-album that I'll share in my next post :)


  1. Yikes! I'm tired and all I did was read about your adventures...I hope you will be very happy in Washington and make new friends.

  2. nice pics. my fav is the ones of olivia and tucker. i am so stinking bored here and so sick of being in a foreign country i could scream. ta-ta!

  3. Maybe Olivia was swearing in "cow", and they got offended and left. ha ha

    She is *your* daughter though, and she should say "Mrrrrr". :-D

    Such great pictures!


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