Monday, March 8, 2010

home from a great weekend

Another great scrapping weekend has come and gone way too fast. I met some great people, created many, many layouts and had lots of laughs (most of which I cannot repeat!). The resort was so neat but a bit intimidating when you arrive after dark and have to drive up and down the big, big hills in a truck!
This is what greeted us when we walked into the convention center:
I could've sat in front of that fire all weekend but there was lots of scrappin' to be had!!

And the cabin we stayed at had beautiful views of the mountains not to mention and awesome media room. We fell asleep in those leather recliners on more than one night!!
Do you see the snow on the mountains?? Can you imagine what this view must look like in November?! Having lived near there for 3 years I can tell you it's absolutely beautiful.
And, after an unexpected turn of events on Thursday, I ended up riding to TN with my friend Virginia :)
It certainly made the trip a lot more enjoyable being able to chat the time away while driving! And let me tell you, we did a lot of chatting ;)

And while I was away, my hubby held down the fort with a daughter who came down with pink eye the day I left and a son who had a baseball scrimmage and pictures that weren't told to us til the day before I left and a uniform that didn't fit and required a few trips to the uniform store. Yep, he's great. Love you sweetie!!

I have a few projects I'm working on this week. I'll also be taking pics of the projects I worked on over the weekend in between playing outside with the kiddos. It's supposed to be 70 today! Woo hoo!!!


  1. Thanks again, girl! It was so nice to spend time with you! :) Love your pics!

    And yay for 70 degrees! I got my flops on today- woohoo.

  2. I am glad you had a great time. It looks so beautiful there. I can't wait to see what you worked on. I love the wall of layouts. So much inspiration! GO DAVE!!!! He is a good one you got there.

  3. Glad to hear you had a nice time! It looks like an awesome place.


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