Tuesday, March 9, 2010

hello spring!

I came back from my weekend away to some beeee-utiful weather. And, of course, we took advantage of that and the kids played outside yesterday from the time they got home from school til dinner time.
I'll leave you with a few layouts I did last weekend using some past Studio Calico kits. I don't normally take my camera when my son gets his hair cut but I wanted to at least capture it once. He's very ticklish like his momma and every time the clippers come out he cringes and laughs :)
And I just realized I forgot to put the date on there because I couldn't remember and had to wait til I got home to look it up. Better not forget to do that!
I think I'm going to make a mini-album about Olivia's hospital stay last Nov but I'm also going to do a few layouts for either her album or the family album. I haven't quite figured out exactly what I'm going to do, but this one is pretty self-explanatory. Coming home...such a great feeling!!


1 comment:

  1. CUTE Layouts! I love the case of the giggles. Too sweet. It looks like Olivia is going to float away with all those balloons. Prayers were answered!!!!!


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