Wednesday, December 21, 2011

mini cinnamon rolls

I made these for breakfast today. Aren't they cute??! I was looking for something quick & easy to make. I didn't feel like making muffins (and a big mess in the kitchen) because the plumber was coming to install my new dishwasher.

{Insert very excited squeal here

An early Christmas present. Something that was not asked for but certainly appreciated.

Back to the mini cinnamon rolls...
Found this recipe on pinterest (of course!) and had to try it out. And as luck would have it I had one tube of crescent rolls in the fridge!

I used a very liberal amount of cinnamon & brown sugar. And be sure to spray the pan very well because the brown sugar likes to stick (and cook) to the pan. I'm going to try doing these on a stone next time for easier cleanup. The only thing I would change next time is the frosting...I didn't really taste the maple syrup (and I did use real maple syrup) so next time I'll probably use vanilla extract.

You can be that I'll be making these on Christmas morning along with my crock pot breakfast casserole.

Now I gotta run & go do some dishes...just for the heck of it! hehe

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! to the new dishwasher!!! Those look so yummy!!! Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!!


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