Monday, November 28, 2011

the perfect tree

Every year, just after Thanksgiving, we head out to find the perfect Christmas tree.

Only this year we got to take the kids out & cut down our own tree. The last time we did that the kids were 1 & they didn't remember what the experience was like. 
We headed up to Green Bluff & after driving by the 3 farms that had trees we settled on Hansen's Orchard. We set out in the field of trees to search for the perfect one.
Stop to take some family pics. Make a ton of crazy, silly noises to get the baby to look up from what must have been a fascinating tree branch on the ground...!
Let me tell ya, pushing a stroller through bumpy terrain...not easy! It kinda made me smile to think that I'll have a little toddler running around here next year :)
Anyway, we eventually found our tree. Ben 'helped' daddy cut it down while the girls documented the experience :)
Gosh this girl is just like me. And after it was cut down & they were wrapping it I realized just how big the tree was. 
Um, yeah, I almost thought we were going to have to put the tree in the front room because it has higher ceilings but ended up cutting about a foot off the trunk to make it fit in the family room!

And before heading out we enjoyed some yummy hot chocolate & candy canes :)
As always, after getting our tree we went out to eat. This year we decided to stop at Frank's Diner which is a train car turned restaurant. 
So neat. And the food....yummy! 
We all unanimously decided that our new tradition will be to go there every year after getting our tree.

Now to finish decorating the tree & the rest of the house!

I'll be back later today or first thing tomorrow morning with an etsy shop update!


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