Saturday, November 26, 2011

paper snowflakes

My oldest wasted no time in starting the Christmas decorating in our house. She spent half the day yesterday making paper snowflakes.
Of course, I had to look up on the internet on just how to make them cause ours were turning out pretty funky! I found this site that was really helpful. So grandma & I helped out & we made tons of paper snowflakes to decorate the house :)
She also made tons of paper garland. We have it strung just about everywhere. I love it :)
My son joined in on the garland & snowflake making so now we have it everywhere. It reminds me of when I was a kid & would decorate the house. I was always into decorating. Always :)
We're heading out today to get our Christmas tree. I'm so excited that we live somewhere that we can go cut down our own tree again. I've missed that part of the Christmas season so much.

1 comment:

  1. Your house looks so festive and fun!!! I love all those snowflakes!


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