Monday, October 3, 2011

an oldie but a goodie...and a winner

It's that time of year...time to pull out the Halloween decor! Then Thanksgiving. Then CHRISTMAS!! woot woot!!

This time of year is always so fun. I'm hoping to work on some decor items today for my home and for sale. Last weekend was pretty much spent on the couch holding this little one...
She had a fever all weekend. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that her fever is gone. She didn't wake up with one this morning but as a mom I know that doesn't necessarily mean that it's gone for good. So we'll see...

Anyway, I was going through some Halloween stuff & stumbled upon my sign that I made last year. Don't you love when you come across stuff that you forgot you made?? 
I just love that little skeleton head. He's so cute :)
If you want to see how I made it you can go here. It was made with Noel Mignon's Halloween kit last year. Btw - I believe she still has some of her newest Halloween kit left in the shop. Kits are a lot of fun for projects like this. In fact, I just found a new kit club (well, new to me anyway) called Burlap and Buttercups. Burlap?? I'm in! You all know how I love burlap :) I just picked up their October was too pretty that I just couldn't resist :)

And what's even more fun is that I get to find a new spot to hang it since we're in a new house :)
And speaking of Halloween, the winner of the Halloween magazine is #5
So that means Shelley, you're my winner! Email me your addy (meandmyscraps {at} yahoo {dot} com) and I'll get that magazine out to you!


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Let's hear it!