Sunday, October 2, 2011

the great pumpkin mystery

We came out today to see one of our beloved pumpkins on the sidewalk with it's guts spilled out...
I hate to say it but my first instinct is to say that someone smashed my pumpkin. However, since only one was taken (I have had 3 on my porch) I'm wondering if the strong winds we've had made it roll off the step. 

When we lived in Michigan the squirrels would attack my pumpkins & leave pumpkin guts all over my porch...but the carcases would remain up on my porch, not down on the sidewalk.
The kids took it upon themselves to try & solve the mystery. And my daughter made her own Spiderwick Chronicles type notebook. 
She just cracks me up :)

They didn't figure out what happened yet. So the mystery continues...


  1. Your kiddos are to cute for making a plan to solve the mystery! This is a perfect scrapbook layout in the making....

  2. I love how the refer to the pumpkin as a "corpse" , hopefully they find the pumpkin murderer!


  3. That notebook is amazing! I would love for my children to do something like that.


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