Thursday, September 15, 2011

funky junk & other treasures

A couple weeks ago I headed over to the Funky Junk Antique Show in Sandpoint, ID. It was my birthday present to myself. No big kids. Just me & Addie....and QUIET uninterrupted time to enjoy one of my favorite things...thrifting & antiquing. It was wonderful :)

The drive was about an hour and a half so not too bad. The show wasn't huge but the people there were so nice. 

And... I found something I'd been looking for for quite a while.

An old kitchen scale. And it's BLUE!!!
Isn't she purty??! She's currently sitting on my kitchen counter with some cookbooks on top.
I paid a bit more than I would've liked but other than some rust it was in great shape. And sometimes when you find exactly what you're looking for you have to just grab it!

I found a few other treasures, like vintage ledgers.
These ones have little papers from the post office inside with date stamps from the 50s.

And some sugar sacks. These are going to be made into pillows.
And while I was there...and without big kids...I decided to hit up a few other local antique shops & found a few more treasures.
That towel isn't 'vintage' but I loved the look. Totally gonna make that into a pillow. I really, really, REALLY wanted this vintage A&W Root Beer crate that I found. It was orange on the side with brown writing. I was envisioning a cute little fall setup inside the crate on my front porch. But they were asking $24. 

what the what???!! 

I find it hilarious that sometimes people seem to think that just because something is old that it's worth a lot of money. So I walked out without that one :(

The other day I was coming home from taking the kids to school & came across 'Vintage Sale' signs. Well, I was all over that one, lemme tell ya! hee And I discovered some more great finds, like this ah-DOR-able little bench.
Yes, I could've done this myself. However, it would've cost me over 1/2 of what I paid just to redo a bench like this. And this one was uber cute so I couldn't pass it up :)
I know it's hard to tell in the photo, but the bench is painted a pretty light blue. Of course! And I just loved the chenille fabric on top...haven't seen that before.

And here's a few more finds from that sale...

I'm going to cover those wooden spools with some fabric scraps.

And then I found some great stuff over at a store called Real Deals. They're only open twice a week. My friend Theresa met me over there last week & I snatched up some new goodies :)
I love new things that look vintage-y.

And last but not least, I found this great rug at a local shop.
I paid $11 which may not seem like a deal but I know from the local sewing store that it takes about 9-10 yards of fabric to make one of these knotted rugs. So even at $3/yd it would cost $27-30 to make.

And considering it had my favorite colors...turquoise & green...I had to snatch it up!

Well, I think that's it for now. I looooove living in an area that is into antiques. I'm in heaven :) I have company in town for Addie's baptism this weekend but I'm getting some posts ready to go up for the rest of the week while we're busy with that.

Have a great Thursday friends :)


  1. Michelle- I love all of your findings...totally my style. Can't wait to see all the pillows you'll be making :) Enjoy!!

  2. love all ur cool finds! so fun to be able to browse antiques without too many distractions!
    funny i saw a bunch of things i would of bought too! thanks for sharing!


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