Saturday, September 10, 2011

county fair

Last night we headed to the county fair. It had been a while since I'd been to a fair like this one. 
To say the kids had fun was an understatement. Rides, fair food, animals, and sharing that with new friends...what kid wouldn't like that?! The adults enjoyed it, too :)

 *the* sweetest little baby goat :)
this dude had some *serious* all the other bull cows had horn envy ;)

isn't this just so pretty??? all the veggies lined up in a row, all color coordinated.

And then I introduced my kids to the favorite carnival ride as a kid. I have to admit I was a bit scared at first. It had been a long time since I rode this thing!!
Olivia said 'this is the best fair I've ever been to!!! Well, this is the only fair I've been to!' hehe Gotta love that girl :)

I'll be back on Monday with my funky junk treasures.


  1. Oooh, fair food! Elephant ears and corn dogs and cotton candy, oh my! :-)

  2. fairs r so fun! love the night time pics!


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