Sunday, June 12, 2011

special delivery

Born June 9, 2011
8:06 p.m.
7 pounds 6 ounces

She decided to come early rather than wait for her scheduled birthday...just like her sister did ;) We are all ecstatic to have a new little girl in our house. Bring on the pink!!


  1. YAY!!! So happy for you! Congratulations on your little bundle of pink goodness!

  2. aww she's adorable. & what a cute name.

  3. Wowza!! When i read about your ivf i was overwhelmed with reassurance it would work! Now she is here its awesome! What makes it more awesome??? She came in MY birthday!!! Huge congrars from me over here in the UK!! All our love from our home to yours! I can't belueve all the wstching u did & she came on June 9th!! Amazing!! Well done! Looking forward to more pics xxxxc

  4. Congratulations...that is amazing. She is gorgeous.

  5. Congratulations! What a sweetheart!

  6. what a fun surprise when i clicked on ur blog! congrats! she is beautiful and love the name too! how exciting for u and ur family!!
    take care and can't wait to see more pics of this little one too!

  7. I'm so happy for all of you! She is beautiful!

  8. Congratulations. She's perfect! And I adore her name.

  9. Michelle

    Congratulations to you and your entire family. I've been following your blog since you started the whole process...It's so wonderful that she's finally here with you. So excited for all of you. Looking forward to more pictures of the beautiful girl.

  10. Congratulations. She is so sweet. I hope that you are enjoying every moment with her. Be sure to take lots of pictures to share with all of us.

  11. Congratulations!! A girl! I love her name. I hope you are doing ok. If you need anything give me a call. I am so excided to meet you all.

  12. Congratulations Michelle. She is such a beautiful bundle of joy. I love the name. Hope you are both doing well. Big hugs, Jules xxx

  13. Congratulations!!! She is beautiful.

  14. Congratulations! What a beautiful baby! Wishing you both the best in the coming days...including some rest.

  15. She is so pretty. Looks like her sister too. Oh my goodnes, watch out fabric stores!!! This will be the best dressed baby in town. I am so happy she is healthy and perfect. Congratulations!!!

  16. CONGRATULATIONS! She is beautiful! Love her name. Enjoy!

  17. Congratulations! How beautiful. It's all well worth it in the end. Isn't God wonderful


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