Tuesday, June 14, 2011

in love

with this precious little girl

and her tiny arms & legs

and her tiny toes

and these 2...

let's just say that they can't get enough of their baby sister. olivia was beyond thrilled to learn that she had a baby sister. and Ben? totally smitten with her. it's quite adorable. 

as soon as they get home from school they must hold her. and then hold her some more.

my heart is officially overflowing.


  1. Look at the love in Olivia and Ben's eyes! What awesome big siblings. Addison is so cute, Olivia and Ben, too. Enjoy!

  2. Michelle- Your heart should be overflowing...you have 3 beautiful children.

    Ps. Time to update your profile...to 3kids :)

    Once again CONGRATULATIONS to all of you.

  3. YAY!!! congratulations Michelle!!!

  4. I can not get over all that hair! She looks great! So cute.

  5. Looking at her just makes me smile :) And OMG! All that hair! I wish you guys were still here so I could hold her. I sent her a package yesterday. I hope she likes it :)

  6. Congrats on the arrival of your second princess!!


Let's hear it!