Monday, April 25, 2011

rained out

My son had his last baseball game before we move tomorrow. We caught a glimpse of this pretty rainbow just before the game started.
And wouldn't you know it started to rain...which, by the way, all the boys thought was so cool!
But the game ultimately got canceled. He managed to bat once but that was it. I think we lasted maybe 2 innings. Then it was a downpour. 
But his coaches, who were so great, gave him his trophy early since he won't be here to finish out the season.

And just as we made it back to the van, the skies really opened up...
Oh well, there's always next season!

The movers were here today loading up the truck. They'll finish up tomorrow & then we hit the road!


  1. Have a safe trip! I bet Ben was so happy about the trophy!

  2. Well, I hope you have made it on the road already today. You have quite the drive ahead of you!!! You are really moving across country!!! WA is so pretty!!! I haven't been there since a tiny kid when my father was in the air force. But from photos they have and that I have seen from my great Aunt who lives in Lynden. Hopefully, you had enough time on your layover here in MSP to stop at the MOA for a bit. Have a safe trip!!!!


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