Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday

Since we're living among boxes this Easter was a bit different for us. And since we don't have any family here we had to go out to dinner rather than having a family dinner at home.

I have never eaten out on a holiday. It was kinda weird. The kids' Easter baskets were already packed so I had to use an alternative. Of course, they didn't care!
Olivia's dress was a bit wrinkled because the iron was already packed. And Ben had to wear tennis shoes because, you guessed it, his good shoes were packed! No egg dying this weekend - no pots to cook eggs in. And no Easter egg hunt. The kids actually asked if we could have one once we move to WA so who knows, we may be having an egg hunt in May!
It almost didn't feel like a holiday. Thankfully going to church always solidifies a special day for us. The real reason for Easter. 

I hope you all had a blessed day!

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