Friday, March 4, 2011

slowly coming out of the fog

Yesterday was horrible. You name the symptom, I had it...fever, aches, chills, throwing up, congestion, etc. 

Thankfully I'm feeling a little better. A little. I had a low grade fever earlier today but as long as I take my Tylenol it's better. Can I say that I really hate taking meds while I'm pregnant?? I know they say it's ok but I still don't like it. But when your temp is almost 102 there's not much you can do but take the meds & hope for the best.

I'm hoping I'm better by tomorrow because my son has baseball pics & 2 scrimmages. I won't be my usual loud, screaming, cheering my son on from the sidelines self. But as long as he can look over at me when he runs the bases & I can give him the thumbs up & see his smile it'll be good :)

Anyway, I wanted to pop in real quick to share that Jill over at Envirocraftiness is doing a '25 Days of Awesome Bloggers' and she shared my blog the yesterday. So head over to Jill's blog & say hi :) And thanks for adding me to your list Jill!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear you've been feeling terrible :( Thanks for mentioning me. I really do love your blog, and the pics of your puppy, and your scrapbooking, and your family stories... :)


Let's hear it!