Monday, March 7, 2011

project life - weeks 3-4

I know I haven't shared any Project Life pics in a while. I'm not too behind, I've just been working on bits & pieces from each week for the last few weeks.

week 3 - jan 23-29
100 days of school project, family game playing, Ben's award at school, puppy eating garlic, Netflix. 

My son was 'Eagle of the Month' for January which is a citizenship award at school so in one of the pockets I put the folded up invitation.

week 4 - jan 30- feb 5
getting ready for baseball, sick boy, dr appt, birthday boy, daddy daughter dance, mommy/son date

This week ended up having multiple photos from just a few days rather than a photo for every single day.
I'll have more PL pages to share this week :)

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