Friday, February 18, 2011

were you the one with the correct guess???

First of all, thanks for having fun with me & posting your guesses as to where we're moving. It was nice to see some of you that I hadn't seen comment before :) 

There was only one person who correctly guessed where we're moving...

Yep, that's right, we're moving to Washington! Couldn't get any further from Georgia I don't think (unless I moved to Hawaii or something!) 

Not sure who had the correct guess since it was an anonomous commenter. If that was you, email me at meandmyscraps{at}yahoo{dot}com so I can send you something :)

And just for fun, I picked 2 other people out of the commenters:

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:
Timestamp: 2011-02-18 20:22:55 UTC
Anonymous tina in nh said...
Okay, I'm guessing NH? Exciting to be moving.
February 17, 2011 12:19 PM
Cindy said...
I say IA or MN?! We moved from CA to IA when I was 8-1/2 mos preggo w/ #3 for my husband's job. Didn't know a soul. But we LOVED it. Then moved back to CA when #3 was 8-1/2 old. A measley 10 months later. WOW! The Lord works things all for His glory and our good. ;) Here's something to hang onto thru these crazy times. Proverbs 3:5-6. And be sure to tell us where you are going.
February 17, 2011 2:34 PM
Tina & Cindy, email me your addy & I'll send you a little goody package, too :)

The first question/comment everyone always says is "it rains a lot there!" We're actually moving to Spokane, which is on the other side of the state from Seattle (aka where the rain is) and does not get a ton of rain. 

We'll actually be very close to the Idaho border with fairly mild temps. 

And now the stress sets in. There is sooo much to do before we move. I haven't even gotten everything I need for the baby & we've added a major move to our plans. The biggest decision is whether or not to move before or after the baby is born. And all of the logistics behind the move. My husband has to report for work in May (one month before the baby is born). So either he goes there & comes back for the birth or we try to get there beforehand. I'm hoping within a month we'll have most of that planned out but the not knowing is a little stressful.

I know it'll all work out. I really feel that we're doing what's best for our family. 

So I'm going to do some scrapbooking & get my mind off of this whole thing for a few!


  1. Woohoo! I never win anything! I'll e-mail you my address. Thank you so much! Best of luck with your move.

  2. I guessed brother-in-law lives in Seattle. Make SURE you visit Mt. Ranier and also Mt. St. Helens and take the beautiful drive down the Columbia River Pkway into Oregon....the waterfalls along the way are breath-taking.

    Give my prize to someone who visits you regularly....or to a Women's Shelter....brighten their day a little bit!

  3. PS: make sure when you visit Seattle to stop in and eat at the new Black Dog Brat Haus & Creamery!

  4. I have been reading your blog for over a year and love it. I live in Spokane and can tell you that I think you are really going to like it! I have 3 little ones my self and would be glad to help you out if you need anything. Please feel free to ask for help. It is wonderful how the Lord will work everything out for us in the end!

    Welcome to the WEST SIDE!!


  5. yeah! i think u will like it there. i have a brother that lives on a little island in wa and they really like it!
    good luck!


Let's hear it!