Wednesday, February 16, 2011

sometimes a disappointment is a blessing in disguise

I have to remember that. Because sometimes when we don't get what we want we get upset and wonder why. Why can't I have what I want???

This past year has been filled with a lot of disappointment. A lot of change. A lot of growing spiritually. A lot of waiting...of learning patience. Of learning that just because I didn't get what I thought I wanted, that didn't mean that there was something better right around the corner.

In the last year we've gone through a major death in the family, losing a beloved pet, thinking we were never going to have more children & ultimately IVF.

It was filled with learning patience. Learning to wait. We had to learn that lesson yet again. When my husband's job came out with some possible job transfers we put in for Charleston, SC. We were excited about it but I honestly, in my heart, didn't think we would get it. Not being pessimistic...sometimes you just know. And a week ago we found out we didn't get it. My husband was very bummed. 

You know what? I wasn't. I want to move. Where we live now has never really felt like home to us. But maybe SC wasn't where we were meant to be. Maybe that wasn't the path we were meant to take. Maybe there's something better. And there was. We ended up considering a location that we wouldn't have realistically considered had this opportunity not fallen through. And now it is looking like this new location might be where we were truly meant to go.

I don't know if we'll like it there. I think we will. It seems like a good fit for our family. We won't know anything til we get there.

When I prayed about moving I didn't ask God to 'give us' SC. I prayed that if this was the right move for us that it happen. And it didn't. But He did answer my prayers. You know what they say, when one door closes another one opens, right?!

So, bottom line - we're moving!!!!  And this is the biggest one for our family yet. I'm excited, scared, nervous, thrilled, and about a million other adjectives. Thinking about this while I'm 5 mos pregnant is a scary prospect. Thinking about moving while either a) 8 mos pregnant, or b) with a newborn is even scarier. But I'm up for the adventure!
I'm going to leave you with one last question just for fun - where do you think I'm moving to??? And if you're one of the few people that already knows you're not allowed to guess ;)

I'll give you a couple hints:

It is not a state we've lived in before (we've lived in MI, TN  & GA, and it's not SC)

This state has 4 distinct seasons & gets snow in the winter

This state has mountains

So what state do you think it is?? And I might just have a prize for the 1st person to guess it :)

As of Thurs morning no one's guessed it yet :)


  1. Not that I know alot about the states but I am going to guess Colorado??

  2. Well, it would be super cool if it were Colorado, but what are the chances of that? (I live in CO), perhaps it is Utah? I don't know, but I do know that God does always answer prayer.... always..... it is a beautiful thing.

  3. My first thought was Colorado, too, but I'll say Montana!

  4. I live in CA, some parts of the state get 4 seasons, but not where I am. My guess is; Idaho

  5. I hope it is Virginia. We might end up as neighbors!

  6. CONGRATULATIONS on the pregnancy!
    I know what you mean dear!!
    r u moving to Florida??? lol

  7. Utah? Can't remember if it has seasons since it's been YEARS since I've lived there, but I know it has snow and mountains. :)

  8. So far no one's guessed right! As much as I would looove to move to CO or NC that is not where we're moving :)

  9. Illinois...I'm just guessing that because I'm from here and I'm hoping :)

  10. Oh wait I just read your clues said the state has mountains...we don't have any mountains :(

  11. How about Massachusetts?

  12. I'm thinking it might be Colorado... we just visited there in OCt. and it was lovely.. very nice state....
    Melissa from WI

  13. Okay, I'm guessing NH? Exciting to be moving.

  14. I say IA or MN?! We moved from CA to IA when I was 8-1/2 mos preggo w/ #3 for my husband's job. Didn't know a soul. But we LOVED it. Then moved back to CA when #3 was 8-1/2 old. A measley 10 months later. WOW! The Lord works things all for His glory and our good. ;) Here's something to hang onto thru these crazy times. Proverbs 3:5-6. And be sure to tell us where you are going.

  15. My guess is Pennsylvannia.....what an exciting adventure you have before you where you are going! Good luck!

  16. or maybe's absolutely beautiful there!

  17. hmm, i am in ct, and we have 4 distinct seasons and more hills than huge mountains. i thought utah as well since that is where i am from, but that wasn't right either.
    so how about vermont?
    can't wait to hear where u r going too! what an exciting adventure!!!


Let's hear it!