Tuesday, April 13, 2010

random stuff

Totally random post here today...so buckle up...we're heading all over the place! hehe 
My garden journal was featured on Noel Mignon's blog today: LOVE her kits. Can't wait to see what the next one looks like!! Like I really need more scrapbook stuff!!  

Thanks Noel :)

Laura, one of my blog readers is hosting her very own Saturday Crafty Day starting this Saturday, Apr 24th

I can't say that I'll have anything crafty to share but I hope I will! I love participating in these blog hops. It's so much fun to see what your fellow bloggers are up to! Won't you join me?? Click here for more info.
My dog has turned into a little 4 legged Houdini. Check out what was left of her crate today..
(Excuse my messy garage!) 

Yep, I think it's time to pull out the big one. She's obviously too strong for this one. I normally don't have her out in the garage but after she snatched my dinner off the counter the other day she was banished. Don't worry....she's still totally spoiled ;) I love dogs....good thing she's cute!! I'm just shocked she didn't choke herself trying to get out!
Yep, she looks guilty to me! Crazy dog...

I've been spending the last 3 days cleaning & purging in my scraproom. Some serious cleaning is going on in there. Check out this mid-demolition mid-organization pic:
You know how sometimes a room looks worse before it looks better. Oh yeah, this room sure did. But it's starting to look great...and I already feel better having removed a lot of the clutter. I hate clutter (despite what my husband might think!) I'll have "after" pics to show soon.
My daughter's First Communion is in less than 3 weeks. I cannot believe that this day is already so close. When did she grow up?? Because I specifically forbade her from doing that. She never did listen.... hehe I'm almost finished with her "party" dress that she'll wear at our house after church. Tonight I'm starting on her communion dress. Yes, I'm making it. And I'm so scared to cut into that silk. Scared. But I know Sue will help me.....thank GOD!!!

Speaking of the party, I'm thinking of doing something like this:
 photo from Bakerella
Now, mine won't look as nice as Bakerella's I'm sure, but I can do my own version of them. And I've already ordered that great cupcake tower!
And the backyard is coming along nicely...although it's finishing up a little too close to my daughter's first communion for my liking. But, we won't go there... 

The gutters on the back of the house were finished last weekend

Why is my husband wearing a mask you might ask?? Because the first time he hit the hammer a big cloud of pollen came down right into his face. Yeah, yuck is right. Thankfully he finally gave in to my persistent nagging took my advice and rinsed his head under the hose. 
That's it people. I told ya, totally random!! That's all I got fer ya today ;)


  1. I love the idea of a cupcake tower. My daughter loves making cupcakes.

    I bet your daughter's communion dress will be beautiful! I wish I was better at sewing!

    Have a great week, take some deep breaths to get through the next 3 weeks and pace yourself. That's the only way I've managed to handle planning my daughter's shower. Only 4 more days!

  2. LOL about Houdini... my pup unlocked and opened her cage door right in front of me this weekend. I was torn between being proud and mad.

    I cant wait to see the finished scrap room photos! Keep us posted!

  3. Those cupcakes are adorable and I know you are a wonderful decorator. So your cupcakes will be fab. :-)


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