Tuesday, February 23, 2010

what's been happening...

I've been neglecting the 'ol blogeroo for a few days. I know. But the weather here was so beautiful over the weekend that we just had to get outside and play!

We started the weekend off with some Jedi training
What? Your weekend doesn't start off that way??

Then on Saturday we headed outside to play
Yes, that's a girl feeding a guinea pig a carrot...with a leash on. That girl would be my daughter. That guinea pig would be Bugsy. His first "venture" outside since we got him in December. He didn't walk around much. But he seemed to enjoy the fresh air :) Oh, and he managed to poop and pee on my daughter's chalk walkway for him! hehe

I wish I would've had a camera when I burned our Christmas tree that's been sitting on the burn pile. Hooooleeee cow! That think went up super quick!! Makes me never want to let my tree get dried out during the holidays. Ever.

Yesterday I was working on cleaning up my craft room. I didn't bother to take a "before" shot of the room because I'm not even going to subject myself to that kind of humiliation. I did manage to recruit some cheap labor willing helpers to sort through all my buttons. I paid 'em, it's ok :)
I've always kept them in one big container but I'm going to try and sort them by color and see how that goes. Good organization is trial-by-error. I've reorganized my space at least 4 times since I've lived here. You gotta figure out what works best for you.

And yesterday in between cleaning (ok, before the cleaning even started!) I made a stop at a local fabric store and found these pretty Michael Miller fabrics that were on sale.
Aren't they yummy?! I'm thinking I'll make another rag quilt purse out of these.

Anyway, the craft room is almost clean and ready for some creativity to begin!

1 comment:

  1. I want a Bugsy! That leash is too cute. It's amazing what they come up with. Ol Bugsy doesn't want to be kept cooped up. Your a good momma Olivia!


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