Saturday, February 27, 2010

carousel cake

Yep, you read that title right. That means that the carousel cake wasn't a total disaster! ha! Now, I've said it before that I'm no expert obviously! But I thought the cake was pretty cute.
Excuse the lighting in the was 1:30am when I took these!

My inspiration was this cake. Had I had more time, I would've used bigger animals for the carousel. Maybe cookies? And I would've used candy sticks for the poles. Or I thought that it would look cute to punch holes in the top of the canopy so that the straws could come through, then add a small gumdrop at the top of each. But, with just 2 days notice to make the cake I was happy with the outcome. And Career Day went very well!


  1. Wow this looks amazing! 1:30am? It was worth it!

  2. wow, that's crazy are super mom!

  3. You did an amazing job!!! I love all the curls and the big top. Are those M&M's around the edge?? The colors are wonderfully bright and fun!!

  4. Great job! You should be very proud of yourself.

  5. What a cute cake! You did such a great job - love the colors!

  6. Awesome cake! And you questioned yourself?


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