Saturday, April 17, 2010

scrappy Saturday

Hey all! We started off our Saturday morning with my son's baseball game. I still can't get over how cute he is in his uniform! Last night I played with last month's Studio Calico kit and came up with these baseball inspired layout:
I sprayed the little Maya Road chipboard stars with some glimmer mist and added some Elle's Studio journaling squares from my stash.

When baseball is done I'll do a 2 page layout of the entire season for my son's album. 

I also like to periodically document stages of my kids' lives. Sometimes it's right on a birthday, other times I'll do it mid year. Whenever I feel like it. Just a layout with a picture or 2 and some little tidbits about what they're like at a particular age.
I handcut the heart (obviously with those imperfect lines!) to help anchor the photo on the page. Used my handy dandy typewriter for the journaling. 
Don't you love those new My Mind's Eye tickets?? Love them. And if I'm not mistaken, there's some coming in the Noel Mignon playdate kit...eeek!!

That's it for now. Now that I've gotten some scrappiness done, I really need to work on this house. Olivia's first communion is in 2 weeks!

Oh, and by the way, the patio is done!! Woo hoo!!! Look for pics soon :)

1 comment:

  1. Those are sooo cute. You are so talented!

    Thanks for your comment on my Dinner Dilemmas post. Yes, I have a great tomato sauce recipe. I'll post it in my blogfrog sidebar. That way everyone can have access to it. I'll do it right now. It's a good one!



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