Thursday, April 1, 2010

for my peeps

Stopping in real quick to share some cute treat bags I made for my daughter's class. I don't know about any of you, but Easter sure snuck up on me this year. Normally that only happens to me if it's in March. So I have no excuse this year. Maybe it's cause I seem to keep adding project after project to my plate when my plate is already full!! hehe Oh well, such is life, right?!

Anyway, I had planned on hand making these treat bags; i.e. stamping a cute bag topper. Well, that didn't happen so I reverted to using this idea. I even ended up using her cute download. 
I used some yellow cardstock for the topper since I was using yellow peeps. I had considered using different colored peeps but then I envisioned some kids getting upset because they didn't get their color of choice and opted for all yellow...didn't even want to go there!

Anyway, I also added some green Easter grass for the peeps to sit in. I printed out the bag topper on plain white computer paper. Yes, white cardstock would've looked "nicer" but we're talking about 8 year olds and all they really care about is the treat, right?!
So there you have it. If you're like me and you need a last minute treat idea head over to eighteen25's blog!

Now, I did not make treat bags for my son's class because they're doing an Easter egg hunt and will come home with treats from that. So I didn't think they needed more. I don't even want to tell you how much candy we threw away at Halloween & Valentine's Day...

On an unrelated subject, I'm so excited with a few projects I've been working on including some handmade hair bows & fabric keychain wristlets. I'm sensing a giveaway soon... :)


  1. super cute Michelle~I declare you queen of the cute goody bags. I need some serious help in that area.

  2. I love them! Where is mine? Thanks for the site. I am going to do the "you've been egged" to a family that just moved into the neighborhood. I'll post pics. we will get together next week.


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