Monday, April 12, 2010

flea market finds

Last Saturday we braved the pollen and headed out to the flea market over in AL. It was the only Saturday til the end of May that my son didn't have a baseball game so it was the perfect weekend to do it. I managed to snag up a few good finds and so did the kids.
Here's a few of the goodies I came home with
Pepsi crate...I've been looking for a Coke crate forEVAH and finally settled for this one when I saw it. Maybe one day I'll paint it red...

I just thought this wooden butter crate was cute
Not sure what I'm going to do with these canisters but I loved the color of them and they'll look great in my kitchen. 
And flowers, I just can't resist flowers.
It should've dawned on me that there'd be people there selling plants. Next year I'm gonna hit the flea market before Lowes & Home Depot. Good deals to be had!

And the best part of the flea market for the kids (aside from finding a few awesomely priced video games, jewelry & books)...
Shaved ice! This time around it was blue bubble gum...can you tell??



  1. LOVE your finds! I need to try to find a good flea market around here to hit up! That looks so fun!

  2. I love flea markets! Love your crates! Great finds! Looks like the kiddos loved the flea market too!

  3. You got some great finds!! Where in AL is it?? Your kids are too cute!

    Will you be taking any sewing classes soon?? We just started the Alterations class.

    Talk to you soon!!

  4. What great finds. I love them!

    I would love it if you joined my "Saturday is Crafty Day" party on April 24th! Stop by my blog for details.

  5. I love flea markets, you got some great stuff. I love the butter tray you picked up, so many fun uses for that! And my kids would have picked bubble gum shaved ice, too. They love that flavor!

  6. Ohhh... i love the pepsi crate!!!


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