Sunday, March 21, 2010

more layouts

I've gotten some pics taken of a few more layouts I did at my retreat. Still going through them, unpacking my stuff, adding photos to layouts that didn't have any, blah blah blah. Yes, I will admit that I'm still unpacking a few things. It didn't help that my craft room looks like a cyclone went through it so it makes the "putting away" part all that more difficult!!

I packed light for my weekend away. I had some sketches done, only packed what I really "needed". But I still hate the unpacking part. I need to do some serious organizing and reorganizing this week. Hopefully no one will need an unexpected trip to the dentist and I might be able to get some stuff done!

So here's a few more layouts...
This first one I was so happy to finally get this pics scrapped. The layout is from one of Virginia's classes. Do you remember when IHOP had the special 'Whocakes' & 'green eggs & ham' special when 'Horton Hears a Who' came out?? I surprised my kids by taking them there for breakfast and then we went and saw the movie. Good fun :)
I added some thickers & Studio Calico stickers to finish it off.

This next one I used a past Noel Mignon kit. I have to tell you, I have months of kits that have stacked up because of my daughter being sick and I'm having so much fun finally being able to play with them all!!
I decided to use some non-traditional Christmas colors/papers on there and I really like how it turned out!
And this last one I used a past Studio Calico kit to create the layout of our big snow last month. Or should I say, snow.period. We don't get snow so it's so much fun when we do!
I cut the snowflakes with some Sizzlets dies and added some button centers.
Since my daughter was wearing a pink jacket that really popped against the white snow, I used that to bring some color on my layout and added some pinks & greens. I love how they look with the black paper.

And that's it for today!


  1. Great layouts Michelle!! I love that 2-pagers with the shaped paper split over 2 pages. Beautiful! and I hear ya about unpacking from a retreat, I've been home a week from my retreat and still haven't even touched my stuff. I got the stink eye from DH today asking me when i'm going to clean it up. LOL!!

    Hope you had a good weekend!

  2. Love the layouts as always! I want some of those pancakes. BUSY weekend and a migrain today. Help, I need a Panera morning!

  3. Love the layouts - naturally! I haven't scrapped in so long, I think I've forgotten how!!

  4. Beautiful Michelle! You are so talented! Just beautiful!



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