Monday, March 29, 2010

making progress

This is one happy guy! The grass is done. Woo hoo!! 
You may notice there's still some red dirt back there, along the back and on the right. We figure we're just going to put seed along the back. The sod we ordered almost covered the entire backyard...3 pallets worth.
And on the right side is where our pool is and eventually there will be a deck there. No sense wasting money on sod when hopefully next year we can get that deck put in. All in good time. Of course, we've been saying "maybe next year" to a deck for, oh, going on 4 years! hehe

I'm quite sure my hubby thought doing all that sod was going to kill him...
Good thing he's tough ;) And while he finished up the sod yesterday I worked on my planter boxes
They're coming along. (I'll share more info once they're done) Can't wait til they all fill in. I'm about 2/3 done filling the 1ft squares. Some have seeds, some have plants. I'm working on a gardening journal to write down what's in every square...cause there's no way I'm gonna remember what's in 75 1-ft squares!

And this guy helped me plant many, many bulbs
He was such a good helper! Can't wait to see all of those come up! With the good rain we had last night I'm sure the new sod, plants & flowers just soaked it all in.

And this is what the kids came up with since they couldn't play on their playset with the new sod around it
Oh yeah, it was a mess!!
See, this is what you do with extra bricks the builder left around your house! I just may add those to the garden decor...or would that be a little too redneck?? hehe Happy Monday everyone!

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