Tuesday, March 16, 2010

friend making Monday...on Tuesday :)

I saw this post over at tater tots and jello and thought I'd join in on Amber's Friend Makin Monday! And it kinds goes along with my last post anyway. But since I already had a post for Monday I figured I'd do mine on a Tuesday. Y'all don't mind, do you?! I didn't think so...

I am....really enjoying the spring weather we've been having (but not the allergies part of it!)

I think.... I expect too much of people sometimes

I should... be cleaning up the house a bit before taking the kids to dance & gymnastics tonight

I dream.... of growing old with my kids and grandkids around me

I (really) want.... to get the call/email that I made the Jillibean Soup design team :)
I know... that my kids love me

I don't like.... when people are rude

I smell... the empty box of Tagalongs sitting next to me...no, I didn't eat the last of them, my kids did :( That's how much I love them!

I hear.... my dog barking at someone walking down the street...or a car...or the air...
I fear.... something happening to my kids

I usually... get on the internet several times a day

I search... clearance racks for cheap clothes for my kids. I love a bargain!

I miss.... friends that I've lost

I always... check on my kids before going to bed
I regret.... some things in my past but they make me who I am

I wonder.... if we'll ever have another child

I crave.... Panera's pumpkin muffies...nearly every day
I remember... playing my little 45 records on my record player when I was a kid

I need..... hugs from my hubby & kids every single day 

I forget.... a lot of stuff these days!!

I feel.... stuffy (allergies!)

I can.... get this 20 lbs off (or else!!)

I can't.... seem to get "Lolly, lolly, lolly, get your adverbs here!" of of my head. My daughter watched it at school yesterday and the song has been resonating in our house every since!
I am happy.... when I'm acting goofy with my kids
I lose..... my shoes...a lot

I sing....  in the van, all the time!

I listen... to fun music

I shop.... at Target....LOVE Target!

I eat.... not as well as I should sometimes

I love.... being able to keep in touch with friends via the internet & facebook


  1. Hi Michelle!

    Happy FMM! How fun that you joined - it is a really fun group! I loved learning more about you. Your kids are so cute. I love Target too - best store ever! And Tag Alongs -delicious!

    Have a great week!


  2. That was fun! I hope you don't mind...I borrowed your idea.

  3. so so fun to read this!!! I love it! And now I have that school house rock song in my head...thanks! LOL!

  4. Thats so you!!! Did you have to put those pumpkin muffies up there?Blake is home sick for the second day and I am in lock down. Thanks!!! :)

  5. Schoolhouse Rock! Oh lord I miss that so much!

    I've never had a Panera pumpkin muffin, although I do have a Panera near my office. Is it worth trying them out? Or would they even have them at this time of year, I wonder...

    Anyway, I'll go contemplate muffins for a while.

    Great to meet you!


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