Thursday, March 18, 2010

the curse of the coincidences

We've discovered a pattern in our household. A pattern with dates. With similar things repeating themselves on exact same dates.

And it just happened again yesterday. Let me show you what I mean, shall I?

Yesterday, March 17th, my son had a dentist appt to have his teeth checked out (obviously, duh, it's the dentist!! hehe) because his permanent tooth was coming in behind his baby teeth. After looking at the x-rays, they ended up pulling 4 bottom teeth. Um, yea, my son is only 6 yrs old. Just turned 6.
Two years ago on March 17th, he had his first tooth pulled. 
Coincidence?? Maybe...but check this out...

November 11, 2008, my son falls at his first hockey practice and breaks his leg. Spends 7 weeks in a cast and another 4 in a walking boot.
(20 min before this pic he was not smiling!!) 

The next year, this past November 11, my daughter is being taken by ambulance up to Atlanta with pneumonia where she'd in the hospital for a week.
Weird, huh?!! It's getting a little bit ridiculous around here!! 
On a lighter note, I worked on an Easter layout with some more Jillibean Soup goodies. I originally was going to do a 2 pager with all of my Easter pics...egg decorating, Easter hunt, Easter morning, etc...but then decided to just dedicate this 1 page to our annual Easter afternoon egg hunt. My kids look forward to it every year.
The eggs and grass were cut with my Silhouette and I tossled the grass blades a bit to make them look a little more realistic.
That's it folks!! Happy Thursday to you all!

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