Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day jar luminaries

Happy Valentine's Day!
Every since I saw this post back in December I've been wanting to try this. Time got away from me at Christmas time so I thought this would be a cute project for Valentine's Day.

This is what you need:
canning jars (various sizes)
Mod Podge
white tissue paper (ripped into 2" strips)

Simply spread a thin layer of Mod Podge on the jar & place the tissue paper on it. Once you have the jar completely covered, spread a good amount of Mod Podge in the area you want to add the shape, hold it down for a sec, then cover with Mod Podge again. Easy! 

The kids had fun doing these, too.
I let them pick out a few shapes and cut them out on my Silhouette. The little bird is a punch. As long as you don't glop the glue on they don't take very long to dry (less than an hour). Add a candle and that's it! I think they turned out pretty cute! 
Just be careful though. I put a tealight inside of them and after a little bit they do get warm on the bottom. So if you're going to put these on furniture you might want to either put a candle holder inside or place something (like a coaster) underneath to protect your furniture.

We were supposed to make these in my daughter's class for their Valentine's Day party. But since we got snowed out they'll have to wait til next week!


  1. Those turned out really pretty!!

  2. Oooo, I love how they turned out! Maybe I will make some for St. Pat's Day.

  3. Michelle, these are fantastic!!! I think my favorite one is the heart peace sign, SO cool!!!

    Thanks so much for your kind words on my blog. I just became a follower so I can see more of your fabulous crafty stuff!!

  4. Hi Michelle!

    Those luminaries are just so cool. I love them. You are so clever!

    Thanks so much for linking up to my party!!!



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